Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Intern Skills Employers Want

If you've landed that internship you always wanted, you might be thinking ahead and wondering how to turn that position into a full-time career.

Employers often view internship opportunities as a way to recruit new full-time talent, but there are certain skills and qualifications employers look for when considering new talent. Apart from relevant skills, employers usually seek someone with personal values, characteristics and personality traits that will lead to the company's success.

According to an About.com article by Penny Loretto, an internship is the perfect opportunity to learn what a potential employer wants and to show off those qualities. Some traits employers generally look for include:
  • strong work ethic
  • dependable and responsible
  • possessing a positive attitude
  • adaptability
  • honesty and integrity
  • self-motivated
  • willing to grow and learn
  • strong self-confidence
  • professionalism
  • loyalty
Especially in today's workforce, employers are giving employees, including interns, opportunities to give feedback and chances to lead. This gives employees a greater sense of satisfaction and control over their job. At the same time, empowerment encourages employees to do better because the company is trusting them and believes they will do a good job.
"Offering jobs that encourage learning and the development of new skills also gives employees a sense of empowerment in the workplace," Loretto states. "Aligning an employee's values with the goals of the organization will foster loyalty and a bond between employer and employee.

"Fostering good relationships within an organization and offering constructive ways to handle conflict provides a win – win situation for both employer and employee," Loretto continues. "Creating an organization that values loyalty within the organization can also work to its benefit by using the same techniques and strategies to establish loyalty with customers; and loyatly from customers ultimately makes for a successful business."

So whether an internship is a requirement through college or just a chance to learn more about the workforce, it should be looked as a potential chance to secure a future career.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Surprisingly Marketable Job Skills

Surfing Facebook, cracking jokes, gossiping or obsessing about global warming. At best, these behaviors -- when done on the job -- can distract you from paid work. At worst, some can be grounds for disciplinary action.
Think again.
"This is what's required today: Look at what you love to do, and find the skill in that," says Kathy Caprino, author of Breakdown, Breakthrough: The Professional Woman's Guide to Claiming a Life of Passion, Power and Purpose. "That's the key to success in this economy."
Check out these pursuits-turned-skills and their potential career matches:
Internet Addiction = Social Media Publicist
When Termeh Mazhar worked from home as a freelancer, he hid his obsession with YouTube fat-cat videos, Facebook, Twitter and MySpace from his clients. Today, they're his job. As a social media publicist, Mazhar works for a PR agency generating buzz for his clients on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, as well as writing his own blog and tracking his client's online competitors.
A Flair for the Dramatic/Comedic Timing = Teaching
It's not all you need, but commanding a room is key to teaching success.
"People who are natural performers often tend to be good one-on-one communicators," says Alexandra Levit, author of How'd You Score That Gig? A Guide to the Coolest Jobs and How to Get Them. "If you want to educate people effectively, you also have to be able to entertain them."
Gossiping = Blogger
If you have a flair for the dramatic, a strong work ethic, and an ability to hunt down good tidbits and make sure they're accurate, you can thrive as a professional blogger. Companies like Gawker hire writers to pen entertaining and newsy bits several times a day. Or build up your expertise in a subject area and market your work until advertising revenues support you.

A Stint at the Gap = Almost Any Corporate Job

"Young professionals often tell me they don't want to put their summer job at the Gap on their resume, but as we talk about it more, inevitably we uncover loads of experience that's useful in today's business world," says Levit. "Nowadays, every department is a business and every team member a salesperson. Retail experience means you know how to engage in activities that meet customer needs."

Getting Mom into the Right Nursing Home = Elder Care Consultant
"Frankly, it's a relief for the Baby Boomer generation, sandwiched between elderly parents and children, to get some help," says Caprino. "People in this field must be compassionate, organized, connected to a great network of lawyers and financial consultants, and understand the law and insurance. They really provide a deep array of consulting services." Often, they have a degree in social work.

An Obsession with Global Warming = Sustainability Coordinator

It takes more than watching "An Inconvenient Truth," but if you follow the scientific data on climate change and have a facility with numbers, you may be able to parlay that into a job helping corporations, universities and colleges reduce their carbon footprints. The jobs often require an environmental studies or engineering degree.
Taking time to evaluate your passions and all your skills could yield a promising new career path!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


ANKOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND CONSULTANTS, INC. - Abu Dhabi employer are now open for your application of Nanny / Babysitter jobs. Applicants may visit the POEA accredited agency address below.

Telephone Numbers: 7222178/7228854/7259933
Website: NA
Official Representative: EVARISTO A. TECSON
Status: Good Standing
License Validity: 3/8/2008 to 3/7/2012

POEA License Number: 104-LB-041708-R

Advertised: 25-5-11 | Closing Date: 21-8-11

Prospective Principal/Project: NAIL LOUNGE SALON LLC

* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's/College Degree.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Abu Dhabi.
* Must be Physically fit.
* Must be Hardworking, Trustworthy, and Reliable.
* With good commands of oral and written English.
* Can easily understand instructions and work under minimum supervision.
* Willing to learn, flexible and service oriented
* Age:25 - 35 years old
* 4 Full-Time positions available.

Friday, July 22, 2011

15 BABYSITTER Jobs Abroad for Riyadh - Goodman International Manpower Inc.

Goodman International Manpower Inc. - From the nation of Riyadh is now open for application of Babysitters jobs opening. If you are interested to fill in this job vacancies, visit the agency address below.

Advertised: 26-5-11 | Closing Date: 22-8-11

POEA License Number: 243-lb-081508-r

Prospective Principal/Project: AL ZWIED GROUP

Telephone Numbers: 6374925/6355014 telefax
Email Address: info@goodmanpower.com
Website: www.goodmanpower.com
Official Representative: ARCAN L. LAT
Status: Good Standing
License Validity: 4/27/2008 to 4/26/2012

* Candidate must possess at least a High School Diploma, Vocational Diploma / Short Course Certificate.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Riyadh.
* Must be hardworking, trustworthy and reliable.
* Must have good communication skills.
* Can easily understand instructions and work under minimum supervision.
* Female, 25 - 35 years old.
* 15 Full-Time positions available.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

2 Housemaid / Babysitter Work Abroad for Egypt - AB International Placement Inc

AB International Placement Inc - We are inviting you to please come visit our office for an interview. And please bring your resume and credentials i.e.employment certificates, training certificates, passport, and
I.D. pictures (2X2). Just visit the POEA recruitment agency address below for more information.

Advertised: 18-07-11 | Closing Date: 16-09-11.

POEA License Number: 081-LB-040308-R

Principal Name: Rich Family in Egypt

Location Address: Suite 501 A. Peñalosa Building
1563 F. Agoncillo St. Cor. Pedro Gil St.
Ermita, Manila, Philippines
Mobile Number: 0919-629-1238 / 0918-328-6179
Telephone Numbers: (632) 523-6268 / 775-8861
Fax #: (632) 521-7307
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Email Address.: abintl94@gmail.com
Website: http://www.abmanpower.com
Contact Person: Ms. Weng / Ms. Rexie

* Candidate must possess at least a High School Diploma, any field.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* 2 Contract positions available.
* Can speak and understand good English
* Can do all around household works and baby sitting.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Domestic Helpers / Babysitter Jobs for Taichung, Taiwan - DYWEN International Manpower Agency

DYWEN INTERNATIONAL MANPOWER AGENCY - Taichung in Taiwan needs to fill in for the position of full time Domestic Helper / Babysitter jobs. If you are willing to work in Taichung, Taiwan, try to visit the POEA recruitment agency address below.

POEA License Number: 042-LB-022908-R

Advertised: 24-5-11 | Closing Date: 20-8-11

Prospective Principal/Project: YAN CHI YAN

Hiring Accredited Agency: DYWEN INTERNATIONAL MANPOWER AGENCY Landbased Agency
Telephone Numbers: 523-3904
Email Address: NA
Website: NA
Official Representative: MA.CORAZON N.EVANGELISTA
Status: Good Standing
License Validity: 3/11/2008 to 3/10/2012

* Candidate must possess at least a High School Diploma,.
* At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Taichung.
* Must be hardworking, trustworthy and reliable.
* Must have good communication skills.
* Can easily understand instructions and work under minimum supervision.
* Female, 24 - 36 years old.
* Full-Time positions available.

Top Ten Most Common Mistakes a New Grad Can Make

This is an excellent list provided by Stuart Schultz, co-author of the new book Gradspot.com’s Guide to Life After College. I can safely say that all of these are very common mistakes that can add up quickly and derail any plans for a smooth college to work transition. Use this list as a reference after graduation, and refer to it every so often for a little reminder of how to stay on track. It will save you time, money, and regrets!
  1. Not traveling after college. Once you enter the “real world,” there are few opportunities when you’ll have a few months to do whatever you want. That’s because once work starts, while you may get one or two weeks off throughout the year, they most likely won’t be back-to-back. Thus, if you have wanderlust, the summer after you graduate (those two-to-three great months of uninterrupted freedom) is the time to scratch that itch. Of course, if you have debt to repay or other financial obligations to fulfill, then we understand why travel might not be in the cards today (although perhaps you’ll have an opportunity down the line, maybe between jobs, when you can pack your bags and yell, “Hasta Lavista America”), but if you’re just worried about not having enough cash, don’t forget that there are tons of volunteer opportunities (which you can find on Idealist.org, TransitionsAbroad.com, VoltuneerInternational.org, etc.) and scholarships (e.g., work-study, Fullbright) that can send you abroad for free.Note: Read our article “Where to Go After College…Travel, Work or Volunteer?” for more inside information on traveling abroad after graduation.
  2. Not considering moving home. There’s no way around it. Rent is expensive. Nonetheless, a ton of grads jump right into renting a place after college. Unfortunately, this can turn out to be a financial burden that they can’t handle, or just as bad, it could force them into careers they never wanted to pursue, just because they needed to afford rent. While the following suggestion isn’t perfect for everyone, consider moving home, even if just for six months (assuming your parents are cool with it and you won’t rip out your hair as a result). This can give you some breathing room to figure out what you want your real next step to be. And if you don’t move home, at least consider a roommate (that you can get along with and be on the same page as). It will make your life a lot easier. Note: Read “Moving Back Home” for real-life advice direct from my own experience of moving in with my parents after college (and after a failed attempt to live in a big city I couldn’t afford!)
  3. Ignoring health insurance. Walking around without health insurance is like playing Russian Roulette. There’s just no reason every recent grad shouldn’t by insured. And you don’t even need a job to get insurance. If you’re unemployed, for affordable options, look to state sponsored programs such as Healthy New York in New York City (or the equivalent in your state), the Freelancers Union or even Short-term Health Insurance providers. This will keep you out of a situation in which you’re hit by a bus and end up wracking up $500,000 in medical expenses that you need to spend the next twenty years paying off because you didn’t opt for the $100/month state-subsidized plan (if you think we’re trying to scare you into getting health insurance, well, you’re right!)
  4. When looking for a job, only looking for a job. Imagine this… you’ve been looking for a job for the past six months and you finally snag an interview. Your interviewer asks, “So, what have you been up to for the past six months?” And all you can respond with is, “Looking for a job… and going to the movies every Monday and Thursday with my mom.” Not so hot. Instead, while looking for a job, also expand your network, pick up some new skills, intern, or just do something. That way when your interviewer asks what you’ve been up to you can tell a compelling story, which will put you ahead of 99% of the other job seekers out there who were only looking for a job.
  5. Not preparing to actually succeed in your job. It’s so easy to get caught up in trying to find a job, that you’re not prepared to actually thrive once you’re in. Case in point: showing up to a hard fought for job in a pink Hawaiian t-shirt on day one only to find out that everyone else is wearing suites. From office dress, to IM etiquette, knowing when to push back, recognizing that you can’t get drunk at the holiday party, mentorship and more, make sure you’re prepared.
  6. Missing the due date on a bill. Not only does it piss off whoever you were meant to pay (who needs enemies, or worse, angry debt collectors with baseball bats?), but it can also damage your credit. And if you damage your credit today, not only will it prevent you from taking out credit cards and cell phone plans in your own name now, but it very well may prevent you from getting a mortgage or car loan down the line.
  7. Thinking you can always start saving tomorrow. It’s ironic and unfortunate that the time at which beginning to save can have the greatest impact on your financial future is also the most difficult time to start doing so: right now. The reason is something you’ve gone over probably more times than you would have liked to thus far in life: the time value of money and compounding. Try this on for size. If you invest $1,000 per year, at the start of every year, for the next 30 years, and earn 8% (the average historical long-term return of the stock market), you’ll end up with $122,000 (even though you’ve only invested $30,000). That’s pretty rad. Now what about if you wait just three years to start investing? You’ll end up with almost $30,000 less. So start today so you can end up in that cozy shuffleboard community in Boca… or avoid it at all costs.
  8. Buying or leasing a new car. Really? Do you really need to? Why? So you can drive around in a car, attract members of the opposite sex (or same; whatever floats your boat), and then take them home to your… cardboard box… because after your car payments you couldn’t actually afford a place to live? On a more serious note, consider whether you really need a car after college. Maybe your local public transportation system works for you. If you really do need a car, go for a used one. It will be much more affordable. And even if you have the cash for a new one, odds are that within the next three to five years, you’ll be making another major life change (e.g., switching jobs, moving to a new city) and who wants to be stuck dealing with a car of which the value the second you drove it off the lot dropped by 20%? At least if it’s used, you can send it off a cliff into the ocean. Or maybe that’s just something only we’ve always dreamed of doing.
  9. Ordering in ever night. $20 for chinese food, every night, Monday through Sunday… That adds up quickly. Now we’re not suggesting you should never order in. But consider donning a chef’s apron and whipping up some easy meals a few times a week (or better yet, make something you can produce in a large quantity and freeze to eat over several dinners). If you plan ahead and cook, it can save you a lot of moolah.
  10. Forgetting about all of the awesome aspects of life after college. It’s so easy to focus all of your efforts on getting your finances in check, landing a job, renting a place, and everything else, that you let all of the fun part of life after college pass you by: cooking, dating, festivals, painting the town red, etc.. Even worse, going from the top of the pecking order (i.e., everyday having your choice of table in the cafeteria because you were a cool senior) to the bottom of the totem pole (i.e., corporate slave) can put people in a real rut. If this happens to you, just take a step back and realize that it’s just part of life after college… and a short part at that. Soon enough, you’ll have someone working underneath you, you’ll have a thriving independent adult life, etc. And just as importantly, recognize that life after college is a time for you to finally pursue exactly what you want to do, on every level, and that there’s an infinite amount of choice. Have fun with it!