Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Top 9 reasons why people have trouble finding a job

1.   People don't adopt a committed, passionate, “failure is not an option” attitude and recognize that finding a job is a “numbers game.” They don't make it a “job” itself!  And I mean “numbers” all the way around.  Massive numbers. There have to be a tremendous number of avenues for seeking interviews: friends, relatives, previous employers, previous peers, competitors, and cold calling on the phone.  As I mentioned in a previous chapter, most people start out looking for a job with many approaches but, usually within a month or two, they are primarily only using one or two methods.  It is a matter of numbers when it comes to phone calls.  It is “numbers” when it comes to interviews. 
2. People don't develop a “system” of finding a job.  The system should entail everything from goals and intentions that dictate planned activity, to role-playing of interviews.  Most people either decide to look for a job, or it is decided for them and they stumble around with no direction, intention or goal. They don't develop a systematized strategy that will get them what they want.
3. People depend too much on the internet and do not network enough and effectively. One of the reasons is that it may be uncomfortable for many of us. But we must get over that “fear”, and reach out to the hundreds that you have in your network. 80% of people find a job networking – then doesn’t it make sense to spend 80% of your time networking.
4. People have an unrealistic idea about the job market, and their skills and how long it will take to find a good job.  There is a tendency for people to have an over-inflated value of their ability to find a job.  This is especially the case if they changed jobs in an expanding economy where it was easier to do.  But even when they know the market is difficult, there is a tendency to have a “super person” mentality, you know the, “There's always room for a good employee like me.” They have a very limited scope of the job market. 
5.  People don't acknowledge the psychological and emotional
disease that finding jobs entails. By denying this reality, people operate out of fear of rejection.  They confuse activity with productivity and focus on minor things that appear to be job-finding activities, but aren't the most fruitful activities.  The most beneficial activities that a person can take on in the job finding or job changing process usually involve risk of rejection.  Get used to it and get over it. 
6. People don't recognize that face-to-face interviews are the only thing that matters. There are all kinds of things you can do to get face-to-face interviews. Jobs are not offered over the phone or via email – they are offered only after several face-to-face interviews. Pulling out all stops to do anything you can do to get in front of a hiring authority is the key. Phone interviews are vital, but their purpose would be to get a face-to-face encounter.
7. People interview poorly...they don't sell themselves and don't ask for the job. The vast majority of people that go into an interviewing situation simply don't sell themselves very well.  People neglect to do everything from dress the proper way, to focus on what they can do for a prospective employer.  People have a tendency to present themselves very poorly.
....and people don't prepare well for interviews. Most people are not as confident in themselves and do not have much self-esteem in the interviewing process simply because they don't prepare.  They don't prepare presentations on themselves as to why they should to be hired.  They don't prepare presentations about what they can do for prospective employers.  They don't practice their presentation to prospective employers adequately in order to give an absolutely flawless presentation of themselves. This kind of practice creates a positive attitude and confidence.

Page 2, Top 9 Reason Why 
8. People interview with the attitude of “What can you do for me?” This is the kiss of death.  If you give enough reasons to an employer as to why he/she ought to hire you, “what you can do for them”, they will give you plenty of reasons of what they can do for you.  Most people looking for a job begin by thinking that they can be “selective” in what they do, but actually “design” their new job around: the kind of company they want, the kind of position they want, at the kind of money they want.  They aren't flexible enough in what they will consider.
9. People forget or don't realize that 97% of the businesses in the United States employ less than 100 people. America is not run by “big business.” It is run by small groups of people who organize to provide goods and services. Although they might be “professional” companies and people, they are not professional “hirers”. Although hiring authorities in small companies act like they know what they are doing when it comes to hiring, they don't. So, sometimes you will need to overlook certain inappropriate questions, and help them along in the process.

Written By: Tom Wood

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